
Imagine world ending tommorow

 Imagine worl is gonna end in 2 days for sure. What would you do? Would you able to do anything? All your favorite things are now for free have plenty of them as nobody cares for making money anymore...but would you be able to enjoy them??? The only thing that would matter to you would be unity...colletiveness of everyone...that would reduce your scare I wish world ends like this super soon atleast we don't have to die alone 🙃

Just like you

I am starting something new which I have probably never thought of doing. I come from a very basic family where you study hard and then find a job get married have kids and do all such regular stuff like robot without having thoughts of your like your family and society is doing. But deep within I know many low middle class girls have thoughts.....too deep thoughts and insecurities and feelings which they may never find time to even explore....Just like everyone else I am same.....and want to tell everyone that everybody is same trust me.... Everybody has equal amount of problems and I can tell this with a proof. For example a rich person may have luxuries like an AC car and room but is sweating with worries of his high profile job on the other hand a poor maybe sweating with heat but has nothing to worry about as he has nothing to loose No matter how rich we are we cannot eat beyond a limit...God has made limit to if you have excess food share it withone wou